Art Alive: A Rite of Spring in San Diego

By Wendy Lemlin



A 2017 floral arrangement interpreting the painting seen in the background

In my long list of “things I love about spring”, Art Alive is always among the top entries. During this annual four day event at the San Diego Museum of Art (SDMA), artworks in the museum’s collection are interpreted in wonderfully creative floral arrangements by over 100 designers. That, in itself, is fascinating to anyone who loves art, flowers and design. For me, however, this “rite of spring” is more than a just fragrant, colorful exhibit; it evokes in my psyche a healthy dose of nostalgia triggered by the floral scents wafting through the museum’s galleries.


Another arrangement in the 2017 exhibit interpreting the painting in the top right.

My birthday is in the first week of April, and as a child growing up in Massachusetts where winter and spring often played hide and seek in early April, my dad would always present me with a bouquet of spring flowers for my birthday. Tulips, crocuses, irises, sweet peas—I loved their fresh, not-too-sweet scents and the splashes of color they brought to a world just starting to green from winter’s dull, monotonous gray. In my mind, the flowers engendered hope for the longer, sunny days to come and the promise of new beginnings.

And so, I find Art Alive to be an ideal amalgamation of things that I love—art, creativity, flowers, and springtime. The floral arrangements in the show that I personally find most successful are those that, rather than striving for a literal interpretation of the painting or sculpture with which they are paired, are more abstract in suggesting a dominant shape, or color scheme, and use mostly un-dyed plant and floral materials without a lot of other props.

a portion of the rotunda display in 2017

a portion of the rotunda display in 2017

The entry rotunda is where all the magic begins, with a (usually) magnificent, grand-scale installation that wows attendees with thousands of blossoms as soon as they enter the museum. This year, Natasha Lisitsa and Daniel Schultz, the wife-and-husband team behind Waterlily Pond Studio in San Francisco, have been selected as the Rotunda Designers. The duo will transform the Museum’s famed Rotunda into a blaze of color, bright blossoms, and lush foliage in honor of Nancy Lorenz: Moon Gold, the Museum’s spring exhibition opening on Friday, April 27. Lisitsa and Schultz are known for their larger-than-life floral installations, architectural design style and innovative use of materials.



A 2017 floral interpretation of a sculpture of an acient Indian deity

A 2017 floral interpretation of a sculpture of an acient Indian deity

In its 37th year, and taking place April 26-29, Art Alive is SDMA’s primary fundraiser to support the Museum’s education and outreach programs as well as special exhibitions. In addition to the exhibit itself, the celebration will also include a number of separately-ticketed auxiliary events, such as the black tie Premier Dinner exclusively for Honorary Committee Premiere Patrons on April 26, the very popular (despite its $200-$250 pp ticket price) Bloom Bash kick-off event, and a floral crown making workshop.

Tickets for Art Alive are free for SDMA members, $25 for nonmembers, $5 for youth (ages 7 to 17), and free for children age 6 and under.

For more information or to make a donation in support of this San Diego tradition, call the Art Alive Hotline at (619) 696-1999, or contact the Museum at Tickets are also available online at

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